Breakfast Sandwich Sunday
Pick up your freshly make Breakfast Sandwich between 9:30 and 10:15 am from the Social Hall.
Choose from Ham, Bacon or Sausage, Egg and Cheese on an English Muffin. Suggested price $3 or by donation! All proceeds go toward our kitchen renovation!

Grow Group
Join us Tuesdays from 9:30-11:30 a.m. in the Social Hall for Grow Group, focusing on “One at a Time: How Did Jesus Make Such a Difference?” by Kyle Idleman. The group will run from March 11 through April 29.

Easter Family Fun Night/ Potluck Dinner
Bring the family out for dinner followed by cookie decorating and crafts. Click HERE for more information and to sign up!

Men's Breakfast
Join us for Breakfast, Fellowship and prayer. Contact Pastor Marcott by email or call the church office (717-367-1889) to register so we know how much food we will need. All are Welcome!

Easter EGG Hunt
Saint Paul’s Easter EGG Hunt following the 10:15 service (approx 11:30) for children from birth to Grade 2. More details to come!

Palm Sunday Brunch
Join us for our Palm Sunday Brunch. There will be a seating after each service (9:30 and 11:30) Enjoy good food, great company and fantastic friendship!

Family Ministry Potluck Dinner
Join us for a Potluck dinner followed by Family Game Night.

Breakfast Sandwich Sunday
Pick up your freshly make Breakfast Sandwich between 9:30 and 10:15 am from the Social Hall.
Choose from Ham, Bacon or Sausage, Egg and Cheese on an English Muffin. Suggested price $3 or by donation! All proceeds go toward our kitchen renovation!

Vacation Bible Camp
Vacation Bible Camp runs from Monday June 16 to Thursday June 19 each day 6 pm to 8 pm. Watch for registration updates coming soon!

Men's Breakfast
Join us for Breakfast, Fellowship and prayer. Contact Pastor Marcott by email or call the church office (717-367-1889) to register so we know how much food we will need. All are Welcome!

Saint Paul's at the Stormers
What’s better than family, fun, food and BASEBALL?? Join us June 22 at 2 pm at the TEC Pavilion for dinner and a game! Tickets will go on sale late April.

Breakfast Sandwich Sunday
Enjoy a fresh Breakfast Sandwich in the Social Hall. Choose from Bacon, Ham or Sausage! By donation. All funds go to the Kitchen Renovation Fund, Bon Apetit !

Men's Breakfast
Join us for Breakfast, Fellowship and prayer. Click HERE to register so we know how much food we will need. All are Welcome!

New Members Class
Church membership is not so much about perks and privileges, as it is about partnership. Do you want to join in on what God is doing in and through us at Saint Paul’s? Join us for 90 minutes on Sunday, January 26th in the Social Hall (following the 10:15 am service) Find out what makes us ‘tick’, ask questions, and learn what opportunities for service and fellowship exist. Lunch will be provided. Please contact the church office if you are interested in joining us – 717-367-1889 or email Pastor Marcott - johnpm@wearesaintpauls.com

Bible Recap - New Testament Resumes
We will start back up on Tuesday January 7th at 6:45pm in the South Sanctuary. All are welcome!

Sunday Service
We will have ONE Service in the West Sanctuary. (Livestream available for this service)

Christmas Eve Services
Our Christmas Eve Services will begin at:
6:00 pm - Our Contemporary Service in the South Sanctuary.
8:30 pm - Our Traditional Service in the West Sanctury

A Bethlehem Christmas
Come and see the story of the Nativity unfold on stage and enjoy some classic family Christmas activities, too!!
Hot Chocolate and Smores by the firepit!
December 20th 6:00 – 8:00 PM
West Sancuary

Elizabethtown High School Chamber Choir
The Chamber Choir will be performing at both 8:30am and 10:15am services.

Deadline for Christmas Shoeboxes
Today is the dealine to bring in your shoebox or donation so we can get these gifts on their way!

Men's Breakfast
Join us for Food and Fellowship! Sign up at the church or call the office to let us know you are coming. 717-367-1889. Or Register online by clicking here.

Piercing Word
Piercing Word will be bringing their "Sermon on the Mount" performance to both our 8:15am and 10:15am services.

The Bible Recap- New Testament
The Bible Recap resumes with the New Testament. All are welcome to join us on Tuesday evenings in our South Sanctuary from 6:45 pm to 8:00 pm when we discuss the previous week's study guide. All materials can be accessed online.
Please click hereto let us know if you are coming so we can prepare. Even if you were attending previously, let us know.

Sunday School Teacher Appreciation Day
When you drop you child off, please thank our teacher and helper volunteers. We will have sweets and coffee out in on Social Hall at 9:30 to thank all of our many volunteers who work with our children from birth through grade 12.

Sunday Breakfast Sandwiches
Our Breakfast Sandwiches are back. Choose from Bacon, Ham or Sausage with Egg and Cheese on an English Muffin made fresh and hot in our kitchen. By donation and all proceeds go to the Kitchen Fund. Get them while they last!!

Tuesday Morning Grow Group
Tuesdays from 9:30-11:30 am in the Social Hall
September 17 - October 22 (Psalm 23 with Matt Chandler)
October 29 - January 21 (The Book of Ephesians with J.D. Greer)
We will not be meeting the weeks of Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years

World Wide Communion
World Wide Communion is a Christian celebration that takes place on Sunday, October 6th this year. It's a time to promote unity and cooperation among Christians of all denominations and traditions. The day focuses on the Eucharist, which is believed to bind Christians together in faith.

Fall Bash!
Come kick off Fall with our Annual Church Picnic on Sunday, September 29. We will be serving up food, fun, and fellowship after the 10:15 service. Lawn games, outdoor activities, as well as indoor table games will provide lots of entertainment. Be sure to check out the foam maching and Gellyball gallery for children young and old.
Sponsored by Saint Paul’s Family Ministry

2nd Grade Bible Presentation
On Sunday, September 29, our second graders will be presented with their very own Bibles duing the 10:15 service. If you have a second grader, or know someone who has a second grader, please contact Christina at christina@wearesaintpauls.com. We want to make sure that we have all the names and don’t want to leave anyone out.
If you would like to volunteer as a Bible Buddy, or would like more information, contact Colleen at children@wearesaintpauls.com

Huddle Summit
The ’Huddle Summit’ is a morning set aside to give each of us the tools to set up, participate in and maintain a small group (a band of brothers, a small battalion of friends, a huddle of like-minded pilgrims, whatever name you give yourselves) to share purpose, to encourage and receive encouragement, to challenge one another along the road of accomplishing the rather challenging path to emulate Jesus and out-love our community.
A Continental Breakfast will be provided.
Fellowship Hall, Saint Paul’s Church

Bring a Friend to Lunch
United Women of Faith invite all ladies to join them for lunch and some felowship.

Jesus, Marriage and Sex
Are you seeking to understand the Bible's teachings on marriage and sexuality in today's world? Join us for a thought-provoking three-week Wednesday evening Bible study titled “Jesus, Marriage, and Sex,” led by Pastor David.
With compassion, respect, and a commitment to biblical integrity, we'll explore what Jesus and the Bible say about these important aspects of our lives.
Whether you're looking for clarity, seeking answers, or simply wanting to understand different perspectives, this study aims to provide a safe and open environment for all. Come with your questions and an open heart as we navigate these significant issues together.
All are welcome!

Jesus, Marriage and Sex
Are you seeking to understand the Bible's teachings on marriage and sexuality in today's world? Join us for a thought-provoking three-week Wednesday evening Bible study titled “Jesus, Marriage, and Sex,” led by Pastor David.
With compassion, respect, and a commitment to biblical integrity, we'll explore what Jesus and the Bible say about these important aspects of our lives.
Whether you're looking for clarity, seeking answers, or simply wanting to understand different perspectives, this study aims to provide a safe and open environment for all. Come with your questions and an open heart as we navigate these significant issues together.
All are welcome!
Welcome to our Events Calendar!
To view the full church schedule, please download our app: iOS • Android
Subscribe to our weekly E-Note or follow us at our Facebook Group, so you don’t miss any events!